“You can’t change that, I should know I’ve been trying for years”.

Not an uncommon statement, but my response is “REALLY?”

One thing that I have noticed is that most things seem to change, some for the better and some for the worse, so why would anyone think that something can’t be changed?

Recently I heard Bob Katter on Q&A say that there is no hope for agriculture in Australia, and he should know…

Which led me to wonder, how many people think that because they have tried one thing to create change for a long time, that change is therefore unachievable?

Perhaps we could instead reflect…

  • if you’ve only tried one way to change things then perhaps IT is not the right approach, TRY ANOTHER ONE
  • if you’ve tried multiple approaches to change things, then perhaps YOU are not the one to create that change, GET OUT OF THE WAY AND LET SOMEONE ELSE TRY
  • if many diverse approaches have been tried by many different people then perhaps NOW is not the time, WAIT FOR ANOTHER TIME and then try again

If multiple approaches by multiple people over changing periods of time have been tried, then perhaps you can surmise that IT CANNOT BE CHANGED (but only as a last resort)!


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Written by Lisa Smith

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Lisa is a professional thinker dedicated to helping people unlock their innate creativity and to empower them to think differently – for themselves. She is passionate about building innovative cultures and about harnessing and engaging talent to create thinking communities. Lisa holds an MBA, specialising in organisational change and innovation, which forms the nucleus of her work. She relishes opportunities to share the Minds at Work thinking strategies with government bodies, socially responsible corporate, educators, community groups and farmers, helping them to turn their big ideas into realities.